Monthly Archives: Tháng 2 2023

The 9 Best Chatbot Conversation Examples for eCommerce

Getting it right with simplicity first keeps customers happy and your reputation intact. Once you know the answer to these two questions, you are ready to move forward with development. Not only is it fun, but it’s also efficient – especially for current generations on the go, in a hurry, and impatient for information and […]

Onion Architecture & Simple sample Code Medium

We could create an initialization script, connect to the Docker container while it is running the database server, and execute the script. But this is a lot of manual work, and it is error-prone. To make it straightforward to download the application code and be able to run the application locally we are using Docker. […]

How AR Image Recognition Uses AI and ML

Drones are used by their product to easily take pictures of electrical wires. If you are interested in learning the code, Keras has several pre-trained CNNs including Xception, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, MobileNet, DenseNet, NASNet, and MobileNetV2. It’s worth mentioning this large image database ImageNet that you can contribute to or download for research […]

Working Across Multiple Time Zones: Tools and Strategies

Content How to work effectively across time zones. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Checklist for HR Managers Know your remote team’s working hours Leverage tools to help with time zone management – Remote Work Jealousy Organization of work, monitoring of progress, and improved communication between team members can all be aided by using project management software, […]

Hook Up on Tinder

Since dating can be stressful, there is the possibility of humor to try to reduce tensions. In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Rosenfeld found that heterosexual couples are more likely to meet a romantic partner online than through personal contacts and connections. Since 1940, traditional ways of […]

5 лучших платформ для онлайн-торговли ++ Сравнение и тестирование 2023

Вы можете перевести средства из своего банка и многих других финансовых учреждений после завершения процесса проверки. Вы также можете использовать дебетовую или кредитную карту для пополнения своего счета Встроенный советник Autochartist позволяет трейдерам увидеть детализированную картину по тому, или иному финансовому активу. Качественная торговая платформа позволяет увеличить лояльность клиентов к брокеру. Этот инструмент […]